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Sectores industriales



Tecnologías para el trabajo del metal

A lo largo de más de 50 años Gefran se ha especializado en el estudio y en la realización de drives y de aplicaciones de control, como los sensores, instalables en las máquinas empleadas para la elaboración del metal.
Gefran se propone en el sector metal como uno de los pocos actores del mercado capaces de brindar un paquete de oferta exhaustivo, tanto en términos de gamas de productos como de tecnologías de control.

Nuestro historial de casos


Faccin – Plate rolls


SAG – Slitter and cut-to-length lines



The trend in industrial networks and the automation market

From Gefran magnetostrictive sensors to the Industrial Ethernet solutions of the future

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Notas de aplicaciones

Magnetostrictives position sensor for bending machine

How to check in real time and with excellent resolution the radius of curvature impressed by the two lower rollers, driven by hydraulic cylinders, of a bending machine

Notas de aplicaciones

Position sensor in a cold-chamber die casting machine

How to monitor the main process variables in a cold chamber die casting machine, ensuring the highest safety standards

Notas de aplicaciones

Position sensor for automatic welding machine for flat steel

Discover how to achieve synchronous lifting of metal plates with position sensor and transmitters on automatic welding machines

Notas de aplicaciones

Magnetostrictives position sensor in hot forging press

How to monitor and control your hot forging press with the WRA-A magnetostrictive position sensor and the KS pressure position sensor

Notas de aplicaciones

Magnetostrictive position sensor for grinder machine and polishing machine

How to achieve 0.1mm repeatability and controll the position of abrasive heads in the workstations of a grinder machine or polisher machine

Notas de aplicaciones

Magnetostrictives position sensor for hydraulic vertical press

Discover how to achieve repeatable and precise control of the movement and the compressive force of the upper mold in the vertical hydraulic press

Notas de aplicaciones

Position sensor for stirrup bending machine

Find out how to achieve control of the position of the rolls with a repeatability of 0.1 mm in the stirrup bending machine

Notas de aplicaciones

Position sensor for tandem hot rolling process

Find out how to improve the position control of the rolls in the tandem hot rolling mill with the resolution of 0.5 𝜇m with an update time of 2 kHz (every 500 𝜇s)

Notas de aplicaciones

Position and pressure sensors for spring making machine

Learn how to achieve 0.1 mm repeatability for high speed bending tools in spring making machines

Notas de aplicaciones

Magnetostrictives position sensor for sawing machine for tie bar and metal profile

Find out how to achieve real-time position control of the blade for tie rods and metal profiles in the cutting machine by updating the position every 1 ms with a linearity error ≤ ± 0.02% FS and gaging repeatability of 0.01 mm

Notas de aplicaciones

Magnetostrictive transducer for hot rolling mill manufacturer

Find out how to control the compression roller in rolling mill

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